Best Way To Cook Cocaine

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In this post, we'll give your the step by step instructions on how to clean your system from cocaine and pass urine, saliva and hair drug test.

  1. Best Way To Cook Crack Cocaine
  2. Best Way To Cook Conecuh Sausage
  3. Best Way To Cook Steak

This guide identifies some of the best cocaine grinder currently on the market and also includes an in-depth buying guide to help you make the right decision. If you didn't find your desired one check out the Premium 4-piece 2″ Herb Grinder with Pollen Catcher,Siasky Anodized Aluminum Manual Grinder, Razor-sharp Teeth, Black is also the. Cocaine can be a powerful and very addictive drug. When you snort cocaine or smoke crack-cocaine, you feel the effects very quickly, but they also wear off quickly. Users experience strong cravings, and they may make rash decisions to support their habit. If you are abusing this drug, you need to stop. I've seen way too many posts like this. Drugs can make you horny but they won't change your sexuality. It's ok to be a little gay WHO CARES. Have a good time with whatever gender you want. The point of drugs is to emphasize emotions so go for it. You shouldn't be ashamed of who you're having sex with, it's your life to enjoy. You only have one. How much cocaine was used every time (if you have multiple drug tests lined up) how well your body functions; Before we proceed, here's the guaranteed way to pass the test: Fast Cocaine Detox Kit. This kit already has all the required ingredients in the right proportions to pass the test with flying colors. Answer (1 of 4): Table spoon and teaspoon, put water in the teaspoon half full ad 1g good powder cocaine to the table spoon then 1/4 of a gram of backing soda.

But some important points first:

How long does it take to get cocaine out of your system?

  • If it was your first time, the cocaine will not be detectable in urine after four days, so you'll be good to go.
  • If you use cocaine regularly, the stimulant can remain detectable in the urine for up to six weeks!

Also, hair drug tests can detect cocaine residues for up to 90 days!

How to Pass a Urine Drug Test for Cocaine

The cutoff value for cocaine is 300ng/ml for an immunoassay test. These are the preferred initial screening drug tests commonly ordered for detecting cocaine metabolites.

This means that if the concentration of benzoylecgonine, one of the main metabolites of cocaine, is below that level, hurray, you will pass!

It's simple! All you have to do is lower the concentration of benzoylecgonine below the cut-off level.

Want to know how? Well, I'll give you three options, but first, bear in mind that certain factors will directly influence these methods. These are:

  • how often cocaine is used
  • your weight
  • how much cocaine was used every time (if you have multiple drug tests lined up)
  • how well your body functions

Before we proceed, here's the guaranteed way to pass the test:

Fast Cocaine Detox Kit

This kit already has all the required ingredients in the right proportions to pass the test with flying colors.

It starts to work in just 90 minutes and gives you a 5-hour window to pass the test.

This kit is legal and not detectable by the labs.

So, let's look at other options


If performed correctly, flushing is an extremely easy and legal method that promises you'll pass your cocaine drug test.

And the best part – this method guarantees success even when you have a limited time; like even if your test is on the same day, you can start using this method!

As the name suggests, all you need to do is drink plenty of water before your drug test.

This will literally ‘flush out' cocaine metabolites of your bladder, temporarily reducing their concentration in the urine below the drug test's detectable level.


Here's what you'll need for the flushing method, and why.

Vitamin B SupplementThis restores urine's natural color. Without this, the sample might seem suspiciously clear instead of the natural yellow.
Creatine ethyl ester SupplementIt restores normal creatinine levels in the urine, which can become questionably low after consuming too much water.
Electrolyte Powder or DrinksThese contain sodium and magnesium, which help keep the urine's specific gravity level in check and make it seem ‘normal.

Step by step instructions

  • Mix 80 oz of water with electrolyte powder
  • Take 10 grams of creatine ethyl supplement three hours before the test.
  • Take 200 milligrams of vitamin B three hours before the test.
  • Drink 25-30 oz of water mixed with electrolyte solution every hour, for three hours before the test.
  • Take a home urine test before you go to the test center, just to be sure.

Natural Detoxification

If your drug test is in about 2 months, you can wait for your body to detox itself. And since this is a natural process, it's guaranteed to work.

Simply put, detoxing naturally from cocaine allows nature to take its course – your body rids its self of all traces of the drug and allows itself to return to its regular health.

By following a healthy diet and exercise plan, your body will detox from cocaine naturally, and the concentration of benzoylecgonine will fall below the detectable level.

Here's how you can help your body naturally detox.

Follow a Healthy Diet PlanAvoid fast foods and sugary products which contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, and coloring agents. Eat more green vegetables and fruits to increase the amount of fiber in your diet which helps bind and remove metabolites from your system.
Drink More WaterThis will help flush out more toxins from your system; drink approximately 8-10 glasses or 70 oz every day.
ExerciseThis will help the body remove toxins quickly and will also keep you fit. Do some low-intensity cardio, like 30-60 minutes of running.
Avoid AlcoholAlcohol, mixed with cocaine, makes it harder for the drug to leave the body.
Avoid CaffeineAlso makes it harder for the drug to leave the system.

Urine Substitution

Urine substitution means that you:

  • use someone else's urine
  • save your clean urine, or
  • use synthetic urine

For urine substitution methods to work, you'll need to keep its temperature between 90 °F–100 °F. And if you're being observed during the drug test, you'll need to use a whizzinator or some related device to bluff the observer.

But be warned: we do not recommend this method AT ALL.

First off, it is illegal.

And besides, it is extremely risky and difficult to correctly implement without being caught at some point.

If you try to deceive the system and get caught, it could have seriously disastrous consequences for your professional and personal life.

And even if you think you're a genius mastermind, neither of the options mentioned above for urine substitution guarantees that a proficient lab won't be able to identify that the urine sample was manipulated.

So why risk humiliation when healthier and more reliable alternates exist?

How to Pass a Hair Drug Test for Cocaine

As mentioned earlier, a hair drug test can detect cocaine metabolites for up to 90 days.

Cocaine metabolites are stored inside the hair shaft, so you'll need to remove them from the shaft to pass the test.

There are 3 options:

ZYDOT Ultra Clean Shampoo

Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo is the most popular solution to pass a hair drug test. The manufacturers are so confident about their product that they offer a full money-back guarantee if it doesn't work. You can use shampoo to eliminate any drug from your hair follicles.

The good news is that you can use it on the morning of your drug test, and it will still do the trick.

Remove All Hair from the Head And Body

You might be laughing now, and rightly so!

Shaving your entire body might be physically possible, but I'm sure a bald and hairless individual coming in for a cocaine drug test will raise a lot of eyebrows and questions.

The Macujo Method

Here's a method considered to be among the most successful ways of passing a hair drug test – the Macujo method.

And it's extremely suitable for chronic users who want fast and effective results.

The science behind this method is simple – drug metabolites travel to and are deposited in hair follicles. The Macujo method opens the cuticles of the hair and flushes them out from the hair cortex within the follicle.

Here's what you'll need:

  • Heinz Vinegar
  • Clean & Clear Shampoo (particularly one that contains salicylic acid)
These two help open hair cuticles by creating cracks and splits. The shampoo also gives an in-depth cleanse by eliminating barriers such as oil and dirt.
  • Aloe Rid Shampoo
  • Tide Laundry Detergent
Combined action to fully break down hair follicles and completely flush out toxins.

Best Way To Cook Crack Cocaine

Instructions (make sure you follow every last detail):

Now before beginning, you must stop using any drugs, otherwise, you won't get expected results.

    1. Wash your scalp and hair carefully using warm water. Ideally, make sure your hair is damp, but also not soaked.
    2. Pour plenty of Heinz vinegar onto your hair. Massage thoroughly into the hair and scalp. Now, this might cause a mild burning sensation, but that's completely normal. Leave the mixture in your hair and move on to the next step.
    3. Apply the Clean & Clear Shampoo onto your hair and massage thoroughly. Wear a shower cap over your unwashed hair and leave the solution in for about 30 minutes for it to penetrate all the hair.
    4. After the half-hour, wash the mixture out of your hair by using Aloe Rid shampoo. Again, make sure to massage the hair and scalp thoroughly, and to completely wash the mixture out.
    5. Finally, wash the hair one last time using Tide laundry detergent.

Tip: You may need to repeat this process a few times to effectively flushing all drug residues out of the hair follicles.

How to Pass a Saliva Drug Test for Cocaine with Listerine

This might seem too far-fetched, but many people have passed cocaine drug tests using Listerine strips, and science also proves that it works well.

However, it is not clearly understood how brushing the mouth with Listerine, or even swallowing it, helps pass a drug test. The main belief is that it uses its bacteria-killing ability to destroy drug metabolites.

What's best is that the components of Listerine are not detected in the tests, so it's a win-win situation.

Here is the most common approach. You'll need:

  • Listerine Mouthwash
  • Listerine Breath Strips
  • Water


Preparing for the Test

  1. It's best to avoid using weed or any other drugs for at least 2-3 days before the test.
  2. A major aspect here is to increase and retain the water content in your mouth. One sure method of doing this is to keep eating and drinking. Avoid foods that dry the month (nuts, dry crackers, popcorn, and sugary foods), and consume foods that increase saliva production, like apples, cucumbers, pasta, cheese, and spicy foods.
  3. Thoroughly brush your teeth, tongue, and gum, preferably 3-4 times each day, for at least 3-4 minutes. Make sure that you carefully scrub the teeth, tongue, and the top, bottom, and sides of the mouth. You could also use Listerine here, or dental floss.

Day of Test

  1. Increase brushing time to at least 15 or 20 minutes.
  2. Use Listerine at least four times, or as many times as you can before leaving your house. Let the mouthwash stay in your mouth for at least a minute before spitting it out. Yes, Listerine stings, but keep your eyes on the bigger prize!
  3. On the way to the test center, scrub 2 Listerine strips into each cheek and allow them to dissolve. Dissolve another pair of strips under the tongue. This ensures that any molecules that might have escaped all the brushing and rinsing are cleaned.

Before Test

  1. At least 30 minutes before the test, rinse your mouth with Listerine one last time, and then rinse with water.
  2. Rub 2 more strips inside the cheeks one last time before meeting the lab technician.

No matter what method you choose, remember to follow all steps carefully; you don't want to fail and feel miserable just because of a small mistake!

There are a whole lot of ways that have been suggested on how to get cocaine out of your system and pass a drug test. A few of them do work, but most of them don't.

Of course, the chances are that you are desperate for methods that work- and that's what I have majored in this article.

What You Will Learn

  • What drug tests look for
  • What are the most effective and safe ways to pass urine, hair, and mouth swab test for cocaine?

What do drug tests look for

When cocaine gets to the liver, it is metabolized into 8 metabolites, of which Benzoylecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester is the most common.

Of the 2 metabolites mentioned above, lab tests mostly look for Benzoylecgonine due to its long half-life of up to 12 hours. This long shelf-life is what makes cocaine stay in your system in the urine for 3 to 4 days among occasional users and up to 6 weeks among chronic users.

Cocaine in saliva can be detected for 5-12 hours, while its metabolites, mainly benzoylecgonine, is persistently detectable in saliva for between 12 and 24 hours.

It will take 5-10 days for the hair containing the metabolites to shoot out through the scalp, but what's worrying is that they can remain there for years on end.

A hair drug test is usually viewed as the gold standard for all other types of tests because of its long detection window of 90 days or more.

How to Pass a Cocaine Urine Test in 24 Hours: Methods Overview

Although other types of tests, such as hair follicle tests, have higher detection levels, urine tests remain the most popular among most employers because it is cheap.

The cutoff level for cocaine is 300ng/ml for the immunoassay initial screening.

So you need to take the concentration level of the cocaine metabolites in your urine below the cutoff level.

How can you do that?

Here is the overview of each method. The detailed instructions I will provide later in this post.

Flushing - when you temporarily flush cocaine metabolites out of your bladder.

These methods use large amounts of water and diuretics to frequently urinate and flush the metabolites from the bladder.

The concentration of cocaine metabolites will reduce temporarily.

You will need to take vitamins and electrolytes to keep the color, creatinine levels, and specific gravity within the normal range.

Best for: People who don't have much time before the test or people who will be supervised.

Substituting urine sample - when you submit a clean urine sample instead of yours.

Substituting the sample with the synthetic urine or someone's else urine, you will have a sample that is 100% clean from any metabolites.

This method requires additional devices like hand warmers to keep the sample temperature normal. And, probably, a whizzinator.

Also, this method is not legal.

Best for: People who have no other options for some reason. This method is not legal, and we don't recommend it.

Adding something to the urine

This method requires you to add adulterants(like zinc bleach, eye drops, vinegar) to the urine sample, so they will interfere with the test and produce a false negative.

This method worked 20-30 years ago, but modern drug tests can detect adulterants, and the lab will reject your sample.

Best for: no one. This method is not working anymore.

Flushing methods

Dilution + aspirin

The easiest and cheapest way of beating a drug test. It involves drinking a lot of water to take the concentration of cocaine metabolites in your urine below the detectable levels.

What's so good about this method is that you can use it as a same-day solution.

However, this method is a complex process, and it is easy to fail.

You will need

Electrolyte powder or drink: This supplement consists of sodium and magnesium. It keeps your urine's specific gravity level in check.

Creatine ethyl ester supplement: This helps raise the creatinine levels above the cutoff mark, especially if you are struggling with lower levels of this urine component.

Vitamin B supplement: This gives urine its natural color.

Aspirin: Its metabolites are known to cause false-negative results in the immunoassay tests.

  1. Take the 10 grams of creatine ethyl supplement 3 hours before the test.
  2. Take 200 milligrams of vitamin B 3 hours before the test.
  3. Drink 1000 milliliters of electrolyte solution every hour for three hours before the test.
  4. Take two aspirin tablets four to six hours before the test.
  5. Take a home urine test before you go to the test center.

Pass Cocaine Drug Test with Fast Cocaine Detox Kit

This kit already has all the required ingredients in the right proportions to pass the test with flying colors.

It starts to work in just 90 minutes and gives you a 5-hour window to pass the test.

This kit is legal and not detectable by the labs.

There are no side effects, but it is advised that pregnant or breastfeeding women and people with gallbladder and kidney problems should not use the product.

If you still want proof, there are plenty of excellent reviews you can read from customers who had tried the product and had success with it.

  1. Drink 20 ounces of water 2 hours before the test.
  2. Wait 20 minutes and then drink the entire bottle of QCarbo Plus with all 5 Super Boost Tabs.
  3. Refill the empty QCarbo Plus bottle with water, wait 20 more minutes, and drink again.
  4. Urinate two times and then use the included self-test kit. If results are as desired, submit your test sample as soon as possible if results fail to proceed to step 5.
  5. Chew the QClean tablet with 32 ounces of water. Wait an additional hour, and be sure to urinate several times before going to your test.

Urine substitution methods

Synthetic Urine

Synthetic urine is just as the name states. It is a fake pee that can substitute the real urine.

It smells the same, the color is the same, including the same ingredients such as creatinine, metabolites, uric acid, and urea.


Synthetic urine comes as a powder that you will have to turn into a mixture; here are the instructions.

  • Mix the powder with water.
  • Use the equipment provided to get it to the right temperature.
  • Place it into a heating pad.
  • If you need to hide it - do so.
  • Bring at least 30ml to the test center.

The biggest challenge is getting it into the test center and into the bathroom, where you will take the test. Here are some suggestions.

  • Wear a pocket belt around your waist and slot the container into the pocket.
  • Tape the container to the inside of your thigh.
  • Women can insert the container into their vaginas.
  • Use a fake penis.

Using someone else's pee

As disgusting as it sounds, one of the easiest ways to pass a urine drug test for cocaine is to use someone else's.

The person you choose should be a non-drug taker, or it will defeat the purpose. You can use the male or female urine - the labs will not detect the difference.

Please note, this can be difficult to do if you need to pass a supervised test.


You need to collect clean urine in a squirty bottle to sound like you are peeing when you are in the toilet.

Since the urine has to be a specific temperature, you can't do this the night before and carry it to the test center.

Ask your friend to come with you and get them to pee into the bottle just before you go in.

Keep the pee warm enough by resting it on the heating pad.

Put the bottle inside your underpants near your genital region. To use it, follow the same procedure as the synthetic urine.

You can collect and store your urine and use it on the day of the test. Here's the guide on how to store it: How to store urine for a drug test.


If you are looking for a cheap way to pass and are ready for some difficulties – use the 'dilution + aspirin' method.

If you are sure that you can keep the temperature of the fake urine within the normal range and the test is not observed – use synthetic urine.

If you need the urgent and hassle-free method – use the Fast Cocaine Detox Kit.

How to pass a hair test for cocaine

Hair tests have generally been rated as the hardest to beat whether you are being tested for cocaine or weed. This is because the drug metabolites are engrained almost permanently into particular hair strands, just like other hair components.

To cheat a hair test for cocaine, you'll need to strip the cortex of as many benzoylecgonine metabolites as possible or to below 500 ng/ml, which is the cutoff level for a cocaine hair test.

There are 3 ways of doing this;

The Macujo Method

This is a 7-step method that basically involves washing and rinsing your hair several times using an array of ingredients, including warm water, Heinz vinegar, Clean and Clear pink salicylic acid shampoo, and Aloe Vera shampoo (old style).

While this method continues to boast a solid record for success, there are stories of failure if it's not carried out right away. I have already written an in-depth guide on passing a hair drug test using the Macujo method.

The Jerry G Method

This method of passing a hair test was named after its ‘inventor'- Jerry G, who created it in 2008, and it's much cheaper than the Macujo.

The Jerry G method works best if you have at least 10 days to the hair test because it involves 2 sessions of bleaching and dying that need to be spaced 10 days before the next session.

However, people with longer and thicker hair often need to bleach and dye the hair for a few more sessions, which again calls for more time.

Similar to the Macujo method, this technique has a high success rate. But things can easily go south if the steps are not followed the latter.

Zydot Ultra Clean Detox Shampoo

This is our #1 recommended solution for passing a hair follicle drug test the same day.

There are several reasons why this shampoo has received such a high rating and many positive reviews from people who've used it and continue to use it today. It all boils down to its new and improved formula.

The Zydot Detox Shampoo has been formulated to be a 3-in-1 internal hair purification treatment that combines the functionality of a shampoo, purifier, and conditioner in one affordable box.

The shampoo compositions of this treatment work by stripping off medications and chemical buildup from day-to-day hair spray and styling and finishing products on the hair shaft.

This makes it easy for the Purifying ingredients to penetrate the strand into the inner structure.

The purifying component releases, dissolve, and remove impurities from chemical hair products and medications that have been entrapped within the hair.

The last component of this shampoo employs Aloe Vera's power to condition your hair by making it easy to control tangles and adds sheen.

Other than the positive feedback that this product has received from its past users and the fact that it works as a same-day solution, there are 3 reasons why you might want to try it out.

  • First, it's undetectable by the lab and won't cause inconclusive results.
  • Secondly, it's made of safe ingredients that won't damage your hair, and it's completely legal.
  • Third, it is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee, although you won't need to use it.

How to Pass a Mouth Swab Test for Cocaine

A saliva test (a.k.a swab test) is the easiest test that you can take. It would be a very bad idea if you failed one, especially for cocaine known to disappear completely in 24 hours. But I don't want to mean that there are no people who fail it.

Most laboratories use a cutoff level of 20ng/ml for saliva tests. So, to pass, you'd need to take the concentration of the metabolites in your saliva to below this level or make them hard to detect.

The easiest way to pass a saliva test for cocaine is by using water. This method basically involves rinsing your mouth with lots of water, and it helps lower the concentration of the drug metabolites to below the detectable levels.

You could also rinse your mouth using a mouthwash (Listerine is the most commonly used for this) or hydrogen peroxide. Learn everything you need to know how to pass a mouth swab drug test for cocaine in this article.

How long does cocaine stay in your system?

The length of time within which cocaine metabolites are detectable in the system varies from one person to the other, and it's determined by several variables, including;

  • The length of time that you've been using cocaine
  • How much cocaine you take each time
  • Your rate of metabolism
  • Your age, body mass, and hydration level
  • The use of alcohol and caffeinated drinks
  • The type of test that is being used; urine, hair, or saliva

There is some good news, though. The detection window is generally so short compared to other drugs because, unlike weed, cocaine and its metabolites aren't lipophilic (that is, they are not soluble in fat).

This means that they generally don't linger around the body cells for so long after intake- and this is what makes it so easy to beat a cocaine drug test.

But then again, remember that the variables above contribute immensely to your odds of passing or failing the test.

How long do cocaine metabolites stay in urine?

No 2 cocaine users are the same, and, therefore, the length of time within which this drug is detectable in urine varies greatly between individuals.

Cocaine is metabolized pretty fast compared to its metabolites, and there is actually no exact window that can be used to detect in the urine. Very low concentrations are detectable during the first few hours, though.

On the other hand, benzoylecgonine - the major metabolite searched for in urine cocaine tests- is detectable in urine 2-4 days after occasional users' last consumption. This detection window may stretch up to 14 days for habitual cocaine users.

How long is cocaine detectable in saliva?

As the liver continues to metabolize and detox cocaine from your body, a portion of the cocaine and its metabolites is expelled through the salivary glands.

Cocaine in saliva can be detected for 5-12 hours, while its metabolites, mainly benzoylecgonine, is persistently detectable in saliva for between 12 and 24 hours.

Best Way To Cook Conecuh Sausage

How long is cocaine detectable in hair?

Generally, a hair drug test is usually viewed as the gold standard for all other types of tests, credit to its long detection window of 90 days or more.

As you consume cocaine, traces of its metabolites are transported to the hair papilla through the blood system. They cross over into the matrix and eventually become a part of the hair core through follicular morphogenesis (growing hair).

It will take 5-10 days for the hair containing the metabolites to shoot out through the scalp, but what's worrying is that they can remain there for years on end.

Not all hair strands have the metabolites, though. They will usually be found in random hairs and tiny parts. The only way of erasing them would be to shave the head bald and abstain from cocaine.

This method of cocaine detection isn't so common for most employers due to the high cost involved. However, it's the go-to drug test for occupations that require extremely high safety concerns, including oil and gas transportation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Best Way To Cook Steak

Best Way To Cook Cocaine

How Long After Taking Cocaine Can You Pass A Drug Test?

If it was a small amount of cocaine (up to 21 milligrams), getting a negative test is possible after 27 hours.

How Long Should I Wait To Shave My Head After Using Cocaine To Pass A Hair Test?

The average user needs to wait at least eleven days before shaving their hair. Simultaneously, the heavy users need to wait even more days before they can shave off their hair.

What Is The Minimal Amount Of Cocaine You Can Do And Still Pass A Piss Test?

If you take just 21mg of cocaine, you can pass a test after 27 hours.

How Long Does Cocaine Stay In Your System?

Cocaine is detectable in your blood during the first two days after taking it. It takes seven to fourteen days for the cocaine metabolites to get from its original incorporation into the hair, after which it becomes external.

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